Past Shows

Julien Saudubray & Nicolas Bourthoumieux

Nicolas Bourthoumieux, Fatalitas, 2020
Nicolas Bourthoumieux, Fatalitas, 2020

Julien Saudubray & Nicolas Bourthoumieux


Wednesday 3 June – 15 June 2020
at Waldburger Wouters, Brussels

We are all literalists most or all of our lives. Presentness is grace.
Michael Fried, Art and Objecthood (1967)

Objectives is a title born from a pleasurable confusion of tongues that is so typical of Europe’s capital, but also doubles as an excuse for two artists (Julien Saudubray and Nicolas Bourthoumieux) to engage in an exhibitionary pas de deux. So perhaps – if we stay on track – there is no two but only one, or not one without the other, as in a dialogue or a dance. In fact, I believe their conversation has been going on for much longer and you just opened it up, dear visitor. So, do you see any common ground, except for the gallery floor you find yourself standing on? Well, let’s at least give it a shot.

Julien Saudubray approaches painting as a verb without a subject, a ceaseless activity, a mechanical process. His works are created through a delicate method of constant effacement – a writerly kind of painting sous rature or under erasure. Consistently combining layers of paint with turpentine, Saudubray constructs his images in an assiduous and laborious way. And since all good things take time, the resulting images are absolutely radiant. You will notice both large-scale oil paintings and smaller pastel drawings on view here, a va-et-vient between different mediums.

And then there’s Nicolas Bourthoumieux, whose minimal sculptures thoughtfully probe and occupy the space. His works seem to revisit the “other” of modernist painting, namely objecthood. What exactly are you looking at? Literal objects or a combination thereof, a gracious presence similar to what you see on the surrounding walls. And don’t be mistaken; Bourthoumieux’s materials (steel, wood, marble, glass, mirror, a meteorite,…) are not frozen in time but rather breathing at their own pace, as poetic fragments of history.

What you see here is what happens when the haphazard flow of things suddenly starts making sense. This is what we need artists for, to let us find pleasure in confusion and let us delight in getting lost. In other words, to let chance succeed. Or, with Samuel Beckett: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Pieter Vermeulen

Let us find pleasure in confusion and
let us delight in getting lost

Portrait Julien Saudubray Nicolas Bourthoumieux

Julien Saudubray
Born in 1985, France.
Lives and works in Brussels.

Nicolas Bourthoumieux
Born in 1985, France.
Lives and works in Brussels.

Past Shows

Yoel Pytowski

Yoel Pytowski, Backforward, 2018, Rectangle, Brussels
Yoel Pytowski, Backforward, 2018, Rectangle, Brussels

Yoel Pytowski


20 April – 22 April 2018
at The Loft, 1030 Brussels

the homemade stud shoes

Yoel Pytowski Portrait Rectangle

Yoel Pytowski
Born in 1986 in France.
Lives and works in Brussels.

Past Shows

John Murphy

John Murphy, What is past is prologue, 2015
John Murphy, What is past is prologue, 2015

John Murphy

What Is Past Is Prologue

27 November 2015 – January 2016
at Rectangle, Brussels
John Muphy, What Is Past Is Prologue, Rectangle, 2015
John Murphy (Middle)

John Murphy
Born in 1945 in the United Kingdom.
Lives and works in London.

Past Shows

Chris Martin

CHRIS MARTIN, Exhibition view, Rectangle, Brussels, 2015
Chris Martin, Exhibition view, Rectangle, Brussels, 2015

Chris Martin


11 September 2015 – November 2015
at Rectangle, Brussels
CHRIS MARTIN, Exhibition view, Rectangle, Brussels, 2015
Chris Martin, Pink Painting, 2015 Acrylic, Oil and Glitter on Canvas, 61 x 45.7 cm
Courtesy Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels
Chris Martin Smoker, 2015 Acrylic, Oil and Glitter on Canvas 61 x 45.7 cm
Chris Martin, Smoker, 2015 Acrylic, Oil and Glitter on Canvas, 61 x 45.7 cm
Courtesy Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels
Chris Martin The Dicks, 2006-2015 Oil on Canvas 50,8 x 40,6 cm
Chris Martin, The Dicks, 2006-2015, Oil on Canvas, 50,8 x 40,6 cm
Courtesy Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels
Portrait of Chris Martin. Photo by Fredrik Nilsen. Courtesy of David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles.
Portrait of Chris Martin. Photo by Fredrik Nilsen.
Courtesy David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles.

Chris Martin
Born in 1954, United States.
Lives and works in New York.

Past Shows

Jacqueline Mesmaeker

Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Jorge Semprún, 2015
Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Jorge Semprún, 2015

Jacqueline Mesmaeker

Jorge Semprún

22 March 2015 – 16 May 2015
at Rectangle, Brussels
Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Jorge Semprún, 2015
Jacqueline Mesmaeker © Jimmy Kets
Jacqueline Mesmaeker © Jimmy Kets

Jacqueline Mesmaeker
Born in 1929 in Belgium.
Lives and works in Brussels.

Past Shows

Benoit Plateus

Benoit Plateus, Bookworm, 2013
Benoit Plateus, Bookworm, 2013

Benoit Plateus

A mange B

13 December 2013 – February 2014
at Rectangle, Brussels
Benoit Plateus, A mange B, 2013, Rectangle, Brussels

Prédire l’avenir des noms n’est pas pour toujours. Nous sommes de l’actualité, percée à jouir de tous cotés. Une différence et un diffèrent se jettent dans la tête pour mieux imprimer la bouche. Ils nous placent dans la perspective comme on mange dans une cuisine : un passant le devant de l’autre par ordre et propreté. L’Europe est un grand meuble. Elle revient du centre et des salopards de minimalistes.

Tout est tenu par la laisse. La loi voyage plus vite que la lumière et sont dans ses bagages confortablement étouffés au chaud.
Bienvenue dans la maison appelée réalité. La perspective est un organe dans la fonction. Et vaniteux en plus. Chaque objet glisse sur la route de l’univers, pour le bon plaisir de rincer les cieux, (Dieu parle de haut en bas et de gauche a droite) et de laver son nom. Avant la glace et les pierres tombales le vivant vivifiant était presque partout écouté et peut-être même lu par le réel. Comme ça:

«je suis de face à face, et quand j’ouvre mon trou dans ta tête ce n’est jamais oublié la partie remise, la beauté avant le tout pour le tout! Je cache mes sentiments sous la peau et c’est bien ou pas. C’est un accord de sophistication et d’experts de la nation, du roi et de la jungle. Mains après demain ils touchent ton nerf et puis ils touchent à tout.» 14.000 desseins se rapprochent. Tous foutent le camp : tu leur donnes un doigt ils prennent tes clés de lecture.

Ensuite tu ouvres sa poche où est déplié un grand papier noir qui dit :

A mange B

BB mange maman

les grosses bêtes mangent les petites

la mer mange les poissons

ma chaussette mange mon pied

le building mange les gens

le prof mange les élèves

les ongles mangent les doigts

les dents mangent la bouche

Plusieurs des lettres et mots sont arrachés à la tire d’un livre à l’autre, dans la bouche parfois. Ou peut-être pas.

Benoit Plateus, Rush, 2013, Rectangle, Brussels
Benoit Plateus, Rush, 2013, Rectangle, Brussels

Benoit Platéus
Born 1972 in Liège, Belgium.
Lives and works in Brussels.

Past Shows

Pablo Helguera

PABLO HELGUERA, Société Civile pour l’Enterrement de Pensées Mortes, Rectangle, Brussels
PABLO HELGUERA, Société Civile pour l’Enterrement de Pensées Mortes, Rectangle, Brussels

Pablo Helguera

Société Civile pour l’Enterrement de Pensées Mortes

20 October – 11 December 2013
at Rectangle, Brussels
Pablo Helguera, Exhibition view SCPLEPM, 2013


Société Civile pour l’enterrement de pensées mortes is Pablo Helguera’s first solo exhibition in Belgium. Presented at Rectangle, Brussels, this project pays homage to the history of Belgian civil societies of free thought. Period preceding the first World (1854-1914) war. On the eve of the First World War, there were no fewer than 250 rationalist societies scattered throughout the country, including nearly 25,000 members.

The Belgian rationalists, or freethinkers, exerted a considerable influence on left-leaning parties (liberals and socialists) during the first decades of the XXth Century. Freethinkers essentially campaigned on behalf of the autonomy of human consciousness and toward a secularization of the state and of civil society, including schools and hospitals. Freethinkers sometimes went so far as to replace the rituals of the Church, creating a new secular “sacred”. This spirit was implemented most practically in their civil funerals, which promoted incineration and offered a resting place for individuals outside of organized religion.

The project consisted in the creation of a social network inspired in the ideas and rituals of free thinkers, but instead focusing on burying and warding the vestiges of thought of ideologies, scientific theories and philosophies  that could be deemed superseded, questionable or failed.  A special crypt contained a number of urns guarding the ashes of these ideas and were  only accessible to those who accept to join the society, taking responsibility to become collective guardians of the ashes of one of the dead ideas. The project included a publication inspired on the XIXth century Belgian rationalist newspaper La Libre Pensée, which was available only on printed form and for the exclusive use of those who agreed to join the society.



Société Civile pour l’enterrement de pensées mortes est la première exposition personnelle de Pablo Helguera en Belgique. Présenté à Rectangle, Bruxelles, ce projet rend hommage à l’histoire des sociétés de libre pensée en Belgique sur la période précédant la première guerre mondiale (1854-1914). A l’aube de la guerre, on pouvait recenser près de 250 sociétés rationalistes disséminées dans tout le pays, comptant environ 25 000 membres.

Les Libres-penseurs belges ont exercé une influence considérable sur les partis progressistes (libéraux et socialistes), ont participé à la résistance et apporté un soutien à la population durant la première guerre mondiale. Ils ont essentiellement fait campagne en faveur de l’autonomie de la conscience humaine, vers une sécularisation de l’Etat et de la société civile, y compris la laïcisation des écoles et des hôpitaux. Les Libres-penseurs sont allés jusqu’à remplacer les rituels de l’Église par de nouvelles pratiques laïques “sacrées”, cet esprit se retrouve plus pratiquement dans la « fête de la jeunesse », dans les funérailles civiles par l’incinération, et offre ainsi une alternative aux personnes non croyantes.

"Here remains the ashes of a particular herb"

Pablo Helguera - Portrait

Pablo Helguera
Born 1971 in Mexico. Lives and works in New York.

Past Shows

Peter Scott

Peter Scott, Picturing the City, Rectangle, 2013
Peter Scott, Picturing the City, 2013

Peter Scott

Here Comes Your Neighborhood

Thu 5 September – 18 October 2013
at Rectangle, Brussels
Peter Scott, Exhibition view Here Comes Your Neighborhood, Rectangle, Brussels
Peter Scott, Exhibition view Here Comes Your Neighborhood, Rectangle, Brussels
Peter Scott, Here Comes Your Neighborhood, Rectangle, Brussels
Peter Scott, Exhibition view Here Comes Your Neighborhood, Rectangle, Brussels
Peter Scott, Lil' Begger, 2011, inkjet print, 48.26 x 35.56 cm (Left) –
Peter Scott, Purple Chairs, archival inkjet print, 48 x 36 cm (66 x 56 cm framed)
Peter Scott, Purple Chairs, archival inkjet print, 48 x 36 cm

“Just as the living room appears on the street,[…]so the street migrates into the living room.”

Walter Benjamin

Peter Scott, Untitled (Model #2), 2008, acrylic on reverse of cotton, 66 x 56 cm – Untitled (Model #3), 2008, acrylic on reverse of cotton, 66 x 56 cm
Peter Scott, Untitled (Model #2), 2008, acrylic on reverse of cotton, 66 x 56 cm – Untitled (Model #3), 2008, acrylic on reverse of cotton, 66 x 56 cm
Peter Scott

Peter Scott
Born 1960 in the United States.
Lives and works in New York.